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The Fifth International Conference On Administration Science “The Future and Challenge of Dynamic Digital Governance in Facing Post Pandemic Era”

Bandung – Polytechnic STIA LAN Bandung successfully held the 5th International Conference on Administrative Science (The 5th ICAS) on November 29th, 2023. The main theme of the conference was “The Future and Challenge of Dynamic Digital Governance in Facing Post Pandemic Era”.

Merlyna Lim, Ph.D (Associate Professor Carleton University Canada) as the keynote speaker explained how to accelerate the digital through teleworking, virtual education, telemedicine, e-health, e-government, virtual shopping, etc. We have to pay more attention to the extension of the new normal beyond crisis situation, about sustainability, infrastructure, also data driven.

Through this conference, five panel speakers also shared their insights and experiences on the most-pressing issues on digital governance.
Dr. Nor Suzylah binti Sohaimi (Malaysia) shared about sustainability, urbanization, and environmental governance in the digital era.

Prof. Choi Won Gyu from Jeonbuk National University presented the current statue and challenge of digital governance, also case studies in Korea.

Mr. Chhem Siriwat (CamTech Advisor and Expertise in technology Management) emphasized the terms of digital governance in post pandemic era.

Dr. Kamarul Faizal Bin Hashim from Dubai University shared about AI in public sector, its benefit and challenges.

Dr. Muhammad Taufiq, DEA (Indonesia) spoke on the digital governance in Indonesia.

There were 73 papers presented by participants. These papers cover various sub-themes such as digital governance, human resource management, public policy, public administration, business and corporations, political economy, and development studies. The 5th ICAS committee hopes that this event can contribute to further research.

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